NICKS*TEAM 2008-2019 Run for the Cure Nick Andrews & Nick Horning (the Nicks') started NICKS*TEAM in 2009 for their mothers who both beat breast cancer.NICKS*TEAM will be collecting donations over the next year to support the following charities and foundations. 100% (less Stripe Processing Fee of 2.9%+$0.30 CAD) of the donations collected by NICKS*TEAM will be passed onto the charities below. While you will receive a receipt for your donation - we are not a registered charity - and your donation receipt will not be tax deductible. To receive a tax deductible receipt, please feel free to donate directly below. DONATE TO NICKS*TEAM For NICKS*TEAM updates like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. DONATE, COMMUNITY, NOTEWORTHYNick Horning1 August 2019Run for the CureComment Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Pinterest0 0 Likes